we will end the Beta period at 10/1 8PM GMT +0
things that will change:
more events runing
lesser downtime
new events passive/active
spoil will go from x10 => x15
some new npc's
Opening Event
New forum
New homepage (is under construktion)
22 fixes to quests (so far, will maby be more)
improved geo data (for freya areas)
new easy way to connect (we will still be 100% leagal)
and we will have NO WIPES
...there will also be alot more of changes to, but thoes aren't listed yet!
changes from beta 1.0 =to=>1.1
2 new farming spots
Santa Event
Some new npc's
A- Grade Recipe shop
B-Grade Ring Shop
Cnsumable shop
Santa dropps (0.5% on every mobb)
Improved/byggfixed Gk
Improved Luxery Shop
Fixed the missing shots bugg
Fixed the squash Event
Fixed some bugged skills
Enemie enchanted weapons
Some buffs from the buffer
coming soon in beta 1.1:
mobbs in all the farming zones
some buffs need to get a longer time
spoil at the farming spots
buttoms in every menu of the gk
Raid Event Engine (nerly done)
changes from beta0 =to=>1.0
palaika lvl 73 done
new geo
dagger skill's fixed
paladin aggrosision fixed
raid event engine added
mouse coins added
added 5 new npc's
some quests minnor fixes
offlinetraders reworked
spoil changed from x5=> x10
quest drop changed
added some new zone's
global GK revorked
and alot more...