Server Features:
L2 Freya
Quests drop rate:x15
Quest Reward item x1
Quest Reward adenas x30
Raid dropps x10
Special raid dropps x1
autoloot mobs (not raids)
auto lean skills (you still need
forgotten scrolls)
Anti-cheat engine
dualbox allowed (not in events)
100% leagal, no custom client modds
1h buffs
shops 2 B-Grade
auto events
offline shops
Other information:
during the beta period using any king of bugg will result in account ban, when the beta end's we won't have any kind of wipe, so if you had an account in the beta it will remain when we leav the beta.
There is NO need for a custom system folder to play on YetiSpawn the only thing you need is a fully up-2-date l2 Freya Client and our host file. |
This Vid is Old and will soon Be replaced by an new, there have ben alot of changes from when we made this
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we will end the Beta period at 10/1 8PM GMT +0
things that will change:
more events runing
lesser downtime
new events passive/active
spoil will go from x10 => x15
some new npc's
Opening Event
New forum
New homepage (is under construktion)
22 fixes to quests (so far, will maby be more)
improved geo data (for freya areas)
new easy way to connect (we will still be 100% leagal)
and we will have NO WIPES
...there will also be alot more of changes to, but thoes aren't listed yet!